One election took place as County Presidents and Women Leaders elected Judy Coon to serve another term as District Woman's Leader. Other business of note was comments by Indiana Farm Bureau's Megan Ritter concerning the newly proposed Department of Labor regulations action to prevent farm kids from working on the farm or someone else's farm. This could be very restrictive to FFA and 4-H project work. The Government is seeking your comments at:!submitComment;D=WHD-2011-0001-0001
On the lighter side, the District 5 Young Farmer's will be hosting a Bowling Night at the Plaza Lanes in Crawfordsville on Sunday, Nov. 20th at 3 pm. Cost will be $15 for 2 games and shoes. A Silent Auction will be held along with door prizes and refreshments. A portion of the proceeds will go to Feeding America - Food Pantries with the remaining funds to an educational trip for young farmers interested in Agriculture.
New to the Farm Bureau discount program is a $500 discount on all qualifying 2011 or 2012 model year Chevrolet, GMC, or Buick vehicle.
Other Dates to remember is the State FB Convention on December 9*10. Young Farmer Conference on January 27-28. This year's Indiana Grain and Livestock Forum in Indy will be held on February 27. Finally, mark your 2012 calendars on Feb. 28 for our Putnam County Farm Bureau Annual meeting.
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