Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Grades for Charitable Groups - 4-H, HSUS, and PETA

Amanda Radke August 31st, 2011
It’s that time of year again — time for 4-H kids to enter their final projects at the State Fair, and time for students to return to school. Calves are being washed and clipped, book bags are being packed, sports practices have resumed, and the busy schedule of fall is officially getting started. Whether it’s getting a purple ribbon on a show steer, scoring a touchdown in the football game or receiving an A on a spelling test, we are constantly being graded for our efforts. In a fitting article I read recently, the American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP) has released its final grades for charitable groups including 4-H, HSUS and PETA. Find out how they stack up in today’s blog.“Three times a year, the venerable AIP analyzes publicly reported information from charities and issues a report card grading how well these organizations spend their money. Unlike other charity analysts, AIP digs past the face-value data to get a more accurate measure of how effective a charity is,” according to the article.
“In its latest report, AIP gives the deceptively named Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS) a ‘D’ grade, yet again. Last year, AIP gave HSUS a ‘D’ grade, twice, due to the animal rights group’s lackluster performance in using donors’ contributions. Even the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has a ‘C-plus’ grade.”
To read the entire report, link here.
Notably, 4-H and Farm Aid both received an ‘A’ grades.
Come on, HSUS and PETA. Why the poor grades? Perhaps you aren’t being honest about where your funds are going to?
Learn more about these activist groups here.

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