Thursday, January 15, 2009

Farm Bureau Delegates set policy at Annual Meeting

Farm Bureau Delegates Set Policy 01/14/2009
Delegates at the 90th American Farm Bureau Federation annual meeting say the new Congress and the Obama administration need to take up proposals to address the current economic recession and climate change concerns. They also must enact policies on taxes and the environment that promote economic growth. AFBF President Bob Stallman, said, - where Congress and the administration must propose and enact new laws and regulations to deal with our nation’s challenges, Farm Bureau will work to ensure those new measures do not threaten farmers’ and ranchers’ profitability, but, rather, capitalize on opportunities to maintain a strong agricultural economy and bolster rural America. Delegates reaffirmed their opposition to caps on greenhouse gas emissions that would drive up the cost of fuel, fertilizer and other inputs. They continue to support America’s transition to energy independence and approved a policy supporting an increase in the ethanol-to-gasoline blend rate to more than the current 10 percent. AFBF delegates also approved policies aimed at bolstering the rural economy. Including, the economic stimulus proposal, which should fund improvements to the nation’s infrastructure, including expanding broadband Internet access in rural areas and funding the Water Resources Development Act, which authorized construction of new locks and dams on the inland waterways. Farm Bureau delegates also maintained their desire to see a – permanent repeal of the estate tax, which impedes farm families’ ability to keep farms in the family. The delegates also approved a resolution stating that the concept of “sustainable agriculture” should be flexible and recognize the benefits of accepted agricultural practices.

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