Monday, January 5, 2009

Legislative Update Sessions

Putnam County Farm Bureau Inc. will be hosting their Legislative Update Sessions on the third Saturdays in 2009 which are January 17th, February 21st, and March 21st. The sessions held in the Putnam Co. Farm Bureau Board room will begin at 8 a.m. Billy Boyette will provide coffee, juice, and rolls. These sessions are open to the public. Attendees will be given time to discuss their concerns after opening comments from the Legislators and discussion of Agriculture Legislative concerns presented by Farm Bureau.

1 comment:

  1. Steve:

    Just a few fun fact to remind folks of the importance of agriculture to Putnam County - source is the 2002 Census of Agriculture:

    853 farms in the county
    180,544 acres in farmland
    144,305 acres in cropland
    212 acres is the average farm size
    411 of the 853 farms list farming as the occupation of the principal operator
    68 of the 853 farms are operated by females
    561 folks work as hired as farm workers
    $1.59 million annual payroll (2002 dollars)
    $44.5 million market value of crops and livestock

    In 2006 there were 67 small and medium sized businesses in the county that served the ag and timber industries.

    Bill Dory
    Greencastle/Putnam County Development Center
